Friday, February 24, 2012

Just Hershey's being Pure

Pure Fun. Pure Joy. Pure Delicious Chocolate. Pure Hershey's

Thursday, February 23, 2012

Call Me Maybe by Carly Jepsen

with the artists that i like
(at least most of them but not all... if you know what i mean :D)

P.S. i liked this song in an instant that's why, today, this song plays on repeat in both my Windows Media Player and iTunes

*Special Thanks to: my friend in college who posted this on our group in Facebook. Thanks friend! :D SO CALL ME MAYBE! :D

Tuesday, February 14, 2012

absolutely true

Grades don't measure intelligence and age doesn't define maturity.

(from a friend's status in Facebook)

Monday, February 06, 2012

The kind of Meme that I am :D

to know which meme you are, go to this link from facebook: :D