Monday, July 23, 2012

me and the internet

we have bonded so much already. shared so many stuff in FB and tweeted 100 tweets in one night.

my books and notes are getting jealous of you, internet. so i have to stop for the mean time. and posting a blog about you is the last thing that i will be doing in the internet before i study.

see you when i finish studying!! :D

Sunday, July 22, 2012


i have not been posting for this month because i have so much quizzes to study on and i am aiming fro something big.

so don't expect this month.

maybe i'll post something when i need a stress outlet or when our Preliminaries are over which will be on August. after all, this is one of the reasons for this blog; to express myself in times of happiness and/or sadness and everything else in between.


Friday, July 13, 2012

so happy! :D

FINALLY!!!!! visited UP to meet up with my best friend.

and SUPER FORTUNATE!!! because i did not only see my best friend, i also saw awesome familiar faces from high school so i guess my journey to the state university was very fulfilling! :D

am i this?

i still don't know. but some descriptions about one of these apply to me. so i guess, part of me is a beach*.

*i certainly do not say bad words

Monday, July 02, 2012


this month of July, i have 3 best friends celebrating their birthdays. 2 of them, who are part of my college best friends, are gonna treat the barkada something and then 1 of them, my best since high school, will be given a surprise from me :D

and on the dates of their birthdays,

Andee's on July 1
Duane's on July 2
Andrea's on July 2

Andee and Duane are college friends,  and Andrea is from high school.

they are very awesome best friends and they should be greeted here on my blog.

PS. best friends greetings on this blog started last May 30 when i greeted Karmela. so for best friends who i didn't greet from January to April, i will greet you next year for sure! :D


Sunday, July 01, 2012

it is

JULY!!! when the rainy season really start doing its thing.

don't forget to always bring...
  • an umbrella
  • a jacket
  • extra shoes/slippers
  • extra socks
  • hand towel
  • alcohol
these are the essentials for your health during the rainy seasons. so have a good month under the rain! :D