Monday, February 08, 2010

on the spot survival guide making


Tips on surviving Trigonometry—Words from a true Math NERD :D

  • You have to have math tools such as a well-sharpened pencil with eraser, a protractor for drawing angles, a compass for making perfect circles, and a ruler for sketching straight lines.
  • Always use a graphing notebook to make even just a little accurate illustrations for the given when given word problems.
  • Don’t forget to TURN ON YOUR COMMON SENSE. Without this, you won’t reach the finish line.
  • DON’T SLEEP DURING DISCUSSIONS. Missing even a word of what the teacher is saying will make things more complicated. Use your lunch and/or recess breaks for napping.
  • Don’t be afraid to ASK QUESTIONS to your teacher; they won’t bite. That’s why they are there from the start—for students to clarify things up and to help the students understand the lesson.
  • It is always satisfying to the soul when you know that you have answered the problem yourself. DON’T DEPEND ON THE ANSWERS OF OTHERS. It’s fulfilling to explore and discover things yourself.
  • Whenever you’re having a hard time, ALLOT A TIME FOR CONSULTATION. The teachers are always there whenever you need them. They are just waiting for you to approach them. They won’t know which topic to clarify in class unless you tell them. Teachers are NOT mind readers.
  • DO YOUR MATH HOMEWORK! If you can’t answer it, it is best to ask other people ahead of time so you won’t have to disturb them when they are doing theirs. OR you can have study groups where all of you are really studying; NOT goofing around like Goofy in Mickey and Friends.
  • Answer similar items other than that of your homework so you can PRACTICE YOUR MATH SKILLS. Math is a skill so everyone can be good at it. This will make you solve problems faster than you think. All it takes is patience.
  • NEVER GIVE UP ON A PROBLEM. If you do, you won’t solve it. Tell yourself that you can do and eventually, you have done after some time.
  • USE THE RIGHT SOLUTIONS TO ARRIVE AT THE RIGHT ANSWER. You don’t need to hurt anyone while in the process of achieving your goals and dreams.

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