Wednesday, March 10, 2010


yesterday was my first time to go to a concert that is outside the school. and it was the PARAMORE CONCERT!!!

It was held in MOA (Mall of Asia) Concert grounds.

the guards were strictly inspecting the bags of the fans which was NOT VERY GOOD because that made me and my best friend wait in line for a long time. We could have went in earlier if it wasn't for them...

when we got in FINALLY, we went at once int he souvenir booth. I wasn't able to buy any because i wasn't able to bring enough money :((

anyway, we went in about two hours before. we spent it by looking for a good spot...

then we grew tired of it and checked the time and realized that it is still two hours before the paramore shows up and before that Callalily has to do the opening act. we made some strategies on how to get in front row of the section we were in. wihle doing so, we sat down at the back and drank some water because i was dehydrating. then about 39 minutes before the opening act, we took our place near the front. we under-estimated the people in front of us. we thought that they would get tired of standing for two of waiting that they might actually go at the back and give space for us. or since there is an opening act that not everyone likes, we thought that they would stay at the back for awhile until paramore shows. those didn't happen... They were good strategies though... :D

and then we were standing near the front. when it was time for the paramore to show up, people started to push forward so they can see a good look on the paramore. we were lucky to be closer to the front!

when the paramore sang, i had no choice but to jump up and down since the person on my right (not my best friend) was somehow big and if he jumps, i should too so he won't hit me with his elbow... i had to jump even though i didn't know the songs or the lyrics (i'm not that into paramore so i only know their songs that had music videos).

i forgot to tell about how we were during the opening act. we bathe in our own sweat! it was so hot! it was hotter when the paramore played because everyone was jumping and waving their bodies which me wave as well (since we were all standing shoulder to shoulder)

during the concert, i felt like i should have grown taller so i wouldn't have a hard time looking at the stage! tall guys were blocking my four-eyed view! i had to tiptoe to see the stage!

but then, i had fun anyway with all the screaming, jumping and sweating all at the same time!

WOHOO!!! so i want more of that with a different artist to perform and different venue as well. :D

i just hope that the Jonas Brothers consider touring in Asia and going to the Philippines just like the PARAMORE!!!


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