Thursday, September 30, 2010



this month, a lot of mess has happened.

things were doing great for the first four weeks. but the last week, IT'S TERRIBLE!!!!!

if i were to enumerate all the mess that i did and the mess that had happened, i wouldn't have time left to study for my English Long Quiz that is tomorrow. so, i'll just list down the MAJOR messes that happened.

these major messes mostly happened this week.

  • the bag that my best friend gave me last Christmases ago got it's shoulder laces detached! now, i can't use it!
  • the last session for the Mandarin 101 that i am attending in got canceled because we just had to make the biggest human rosary ever on the same day and time!
  • i said smiled at someone i don't even know! how creepy and weird is that!
  • our air condition at school was out of condition! imagine, getting used to a classroom that is usually cold then suddenly all you can feel inside the room is your classmates own heat
  • the rain happened when we were doing the rosary thing. talk about WRONG timing!
  • i am still talking to a person who is a real SNOB!
  • i was suppose to buy Hershey's chocolate the day after i really wanted it but then i didn't bring enough money!!! now, i can't possibly lot money for that since i bought a school shirt!
one thing i can't understand is that why is there a raining cloud over me when others don't have it on them?????

in Filipino this is called "KAMALASAN!"

so now, since tomorrow will be the start of a new month, i pray that i will be able to start it right tomorrow when i wake in the morning feeling like P. Diddy! :D

that's all in the past now. it's time to forgive myself for the wrong things that i did and forget all these bad memories behind. like what High School Musical had said "it's the start of something new..."

the future is simply challenging me to live a better life, so i reply like what Camp Rock 2 said, "IT'S ON!"

that's it for now! gotta study for tomorrow's quiz :D

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