Wednesday, April 13, 2011

from okay to suck! :P PEACE!

just when i was beginning to appreciate Simon Curtis, i read comments about an article on Adam Lambert tapping him to a New Album. the comments, in my opinion, spoke of half truth. and i believed some of the things that were said.

you see, every time i read something, i make sure that i comprehend and analyse every detail. and when i have comprehended and analysed in my own judgement, i always ask myself what do i feel about the topic, before and after i read something about it.

and true enough, when people write something, they either inform, entertain, influence, express or a combination of any of these. and i think, the comments that i read influenced me on how i look at Simon Curtis now.

i guess i wasn't able to point out what i really felt when i heard his album so i said that it was ok. then the comments just spoke to me and opened my eyes and let me see what i really thought of Simon Curtis' album...


but i already downloaded the album. and i am not letting it be thrown in the recycle bin; otherwise, the battery that was wasted because of downloading his album will be put into waste. and i don't want to stop listening to his music just because it really sucks.

but don't get me wrong, i still kinda like him for looking the way he looks. although some of his pictures scare me, i still, KINDA, like him :D

unlike Joe Jonas who changed his look by having a dirty face, that is his face full of hair. GROSS! i really don't like guys who have too much hair on their faces. it is like they are all messed up in so many levels. that's the reason why i don't like Joe anymore. sucks on him. doesn't he know that in the business where he is in now requires him to look good and attract people so he can sell? hmph. he just lost a fan. but i am not a big lost to him. i am just 1 over a gazillion fans that he still has.


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