Saturday, August 27, 2011

annoying, really

why is it always about which school is smarter than the other? people should keep in mind that it's not about which school you are from. it's about how you do in that school. if you do well, then, you are not only uplifting yourself, but also, the name of your school. same way goes when you do unnecessary things like saying bad things about other colleges, you are shaming your school :P 

while it's true that the school that you will be graduating from will have an effect on resumes, that shouldn't destroy your dreams if you are not studying in the best schools. if you really want to be on your dream job, you should push your limits and be the best in your school; and if you do, no matter what university or college you come from, you'll reach your goal :PP

check these out and the comments that are posted in them:

it just saddens me that people keep on comparing and contrasting schools when it doesn't matter what school you'll be coming from. what matters is what you learned there and what you have become during your stay. you may be smart and all but if your attitude is crossing many lines, then no company will accept you because in work, attitude matters. if ever a company will accept you even though they know your attitude is off, then maybe they desperately need a person on the job.

and attitude is not learned basically in school. the building blocks of attitude are at home. you can change your attitude in school positively or negatively - depending on the school's environment. maybe people who do such comparisons and contrasts are those people who at their homes have ranking and bad attitude issues.

you see! in the case of comparing and contrasting universities publicly and the way you do the comparing and contrasting and commenting involves the way you do things at home. so if you don't want me to blame your awesome families to be called the root of this mess, then you shouldn't, in the first place, create these ridiculous comparisons and contrasts. also, if you dare to comment on these things, trying to defend your school or Alma Mater, then you have to think about what you're gonna say. is it gonna be for the better or for the worse? am i cooling things down or just adding up on the heat. whichever you choose will reflect on how you are at home.

i'm out! peace! :PPP

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