Sunday, January 29, 2012

awesome math is awesome! :D

1 x 8 + 1 = 9
12 x 8 + 2 = 98
123 x 8 + 3 = 987
1234 x 8 + 4 = 9876
12345 x 8 + 5 = 98765
123456 x 8 + 6 = 987654
1234567 x 8 + 7 = 9876543
12345678 x 8 + 8 = 98765432
123456789 x 8 + 9 = 987654321
1 x 9 + 2 = 11
12 x 9 + 3 = 111
123 x 9 + 4 = 1111
1234 x 9 + 5 = 11111
12345 x 9 + 6 = 111111
123456 x 9 + 7 = 1111111
1234567 x 9 + 8 = 11111111
12345678 x 9 + 9 = 111111111
123456789 x 9 +10= 1111111111
9 x 9 + 7 = 88
98 x 9 + 6 = 888
987 x 9 + 5 = 8888
9876 x 9 + 4 = 88888
98765 x 9 + 3 = 888888
987654 x 9 + 2 = 8888888
9876543 x 9 + 1 = 88888888
98765432 x 9 + 0 = 888888888
Brilliant, isn’t it? And look at this symmetry:
1 x 1 = 1
11 x 11 = 121
111 x 111 = 12321
1111 x 1111 = 1234321
11111 x 11111 = 123454321
111111 x 111111 = 12345654321
1111111 x 1111111 = 1234567654321
11111111 x 11111111 = 123456787654321
111111111 x 111111111 = 12345678987654321

Thursday, January 19, 2012

What My Name Says About Me

this app in facebook just scared the hell out of me because it was too accurate :DD

it's because it is true. i do sometimes or most of the times because i have to say, i kind of or really sometimes judge a book by its cover. it's because it is inevitable. i notice even the smallest details that i can't possibly just bottle up all those tiny details or else i might explode! hehe. just kidding. i won't explode. i'm not even half fat.

about the second sentence, i do need to do that. because most of the times or maybe a couple of times, i suffer because at those times, i don't even think about my own feelings. because sometimes, i'm too nice which is bad. because of this, there are times when i give the last one i have and end up with nothing.

and the last sentence is super true! i have been facing so many challenges. i am currently challenged to regret nothing and just be happy with what i have now. i guess i feel bitter about one thing. that one thing is something that i always thought that i have moved on from. it's about being admitted at the country's state university.

you see, since i am the eldest, just like the science experiments, i am the experimental variable that is to be tested to see if a theory is correct. this means that if they believe in this, and wonder if it applies to this, i am the one who gets experimented with. (you get it, right. i don't have to elaborate on this) anyway, so since that is always the case, sometimes, it is a good thing that i was first to try so i will be the FIRST to experience it. but most of the times, it is a bad thing because as we all know, when we do trial and error method, there is a very high probability that we will get a wrong answer. that is me. whenever my parents experience something new, because of the advancement that is occurring in our generation, they try whatever it is that they think is the right way on me. which sucks. because most of the times, they get the negative results from me and so to avoid the same mistake, they already know what to do and my younger brother gets the positive results. thing is, there is a review center that can help you to pass the state university's entrance exam. so, since my parents are like: that's too expensive for a review center and the review center itself is far from home and you are a girl. even if you passed, you can't go anyway because it is too far and we can't let you live in a dorm. that's what they said.

and so, in short, i didn't even try to give effort into passing the entrance exam of the state university. because i knew of these things that my parents had to say and i was discouraged... NOT! i didn't have hope anyway. in the first place, i reviewed for entrance exams in my high school itself. and they lack in the topics that have to be reviewed for the exam. and the environment was so lax! didn't have motivation. in the review center, they had quizzes once every meeting. no wonder! tsk. so i am bitter. only when the subject comes up the surface. and i am not afraid to tell my parents face to face that i do regret not being able to pass the state university's entrance exam. because i told them that my friends from high school are offering me to be part of a bundle that has a lower fee but at the same time has the right things to teach for entrance exams. but they refused. told me that it was expensive and the review is far. but remembered clearly that i told them that i was going to the center with a friend who lives nearby. so, i was and still am and will be the trial child :(( as long as i'm still studying and there are still upcoming advancements, i will always be the trial child.

and the sad part is that i am still happy about the fact that my brother was able to pass the state university's entrance exam. i pretend that i am ok and not jealous at my brother. yeah sure. why shouldn't i be happy? i was the one who brought him to the review center and had to wait there for 5 hours until his review is done for the day. why wait for that long? well, i am not familiar with the place, so i don't know how to go about it. but it doesn't matter because he passed! :D and all my waiting was worth it. since i am bitter about that, all i can be happy about is that i am having fun right now in the university that i am going to because of my awesome best friends. another thing that i can be happy about and forget about that bitterness is that my brother just passed that freaking entrance exam! hayzzz... i want to feel what he feels right now because whether i like it or not he has a lot of bragging rights with him right now. he just passed freaking state university where all the graduates don't have to apply for job because those job will have to fight for you.

now, aside from no having an edge since i am not studying in the state university, i still have to put a lot of effort so jobs will fight for me as well. about that, i think my chances of experiencing that is lessened since i will be taking the retention exam this summer. that's right. i screwed up the first semester but i passed; i just wasn't able to reach the minimum grade to have to not take the retention exam. so, yeah.

because of all of this,  i am working my butt off! ........ NOT REALLY! well, at least not always. but whenever there is something to be done for school, i always feel like giving it more than my all.  and since the tuition fee is more than twice of the state university's, i am obliged to show my parents that i am worth it. that is what i have to put up with since i didn't pass the state university's entrance exam. i have to prove myself. i have to be positive. i have to reach a goal that is SUPER DUPER HIGH! almost impossible to reach is what i say. but there is a probability to reach if i give super duper extra effort.

talk about myself! i guess i am an expert when it comes to myself. i mean, if there is anyone who knows me the best, it's only me and God. even, God knows me more than i know myself. so He knows what i am capable of. and He won't give me any challenge that i can't surpass with flying colors. that is why, i am not losing hope. even when i knew i wasn't going to study in the state university, i had the last drop of hope in me. there was little hope but i still had hope. and i guess part of me was to be blamed. i guess since i had little hope, i didn't give it my all... or did i. all i know is that i answered the exam with everything that i know. so, perhaps, what i know wasn't enough. i still have to learn. that is why i keep an open mind. if i don't, there is no room for improvement and i will not become a better person.

so that's me. feeling bitter here and then when the topic is surfaced. but truthfully, feeling happy and proud of the fact that my brother made it. and i guess that this is all God's plan and indeed, i am learning from the mistake of not having that much hope. also, since God can see that i am giving my effort now, He gave me awesome friends who help me forget about transferring schools or forget about being bitter of that experience.

i am now feeling much better. well, better since the topic is going to be surfaced for the week since my brother passed and the results just came in yesterday.  so if ever the bitterness starts to show up, i'll just have to think about the awesome things that i have with my college best friends especially the things that happened starting about 6 and a half hours ago and ended 2 hours later that time.

we stayed for 2 hours in our friend's apartment to celebrate the end of preliminary exams for the semester. we had milk tea from Moon Leaf and there wintermelon with pudding is good. music played in my friend's room and we were singing and dancing and laughing about past experiences which are of course funny to imitate :))) especially the one that i did in the library. that is another story but really, i love my friends. they make my day :D

and oh yeah! i told three of them about this blog's site and maybe they'll read this so, HI FRIENDS! :D

and that is what my name says about me. A LOT! it says so much that it was too accurate. and because it was accurate and precise as well, i was able to reflect about myself and come to accept that this is me and somehow i guess i have to change my down sides and strengthen my up sides, learn from my mistakes and rejoice from the right things i do, and avoid to revenge and regret and remember to always forgive and forget like i always do :D


Monday, January 16, 2012

friends... again

i miss my old friends. i wish i kept them with me even though we had new set of friends. i guess it was too late for me to learn to find new friends while still holding on to the old ones. but now, i regret this. i can't even comment on their statuses on facebook and i think if i will be messaging them, it would be weird for them. so yeah. i miss them. those guys in nursery and kindergarten. we had fun in school and in the school bus. i used to copy some of their answers in the kinder exams and i used to sit with them in the small round and rectangle tables. i used to sleep with them on the corners of the school bus. i used to play with them during recess time. we took some pictures too but we were kids and we just wanted to have more friends. and in the process, we weren't able to keep hold of one another as we found ourselves and found other friends who resemble the same interests and same laughter.

this is what i want on a future birthday celebration. it doesn't matter how old i will be but, i want one of my future birthday celebrations to have all my nursery, kindergarten, prep, elementary, high school, and college best friends. it would be fun! :D


i can't wait to have some Chicken and Mushroom pasta from Jollibee! i super like it! i mean, i have never liked the new innovations of jollibee in its menu. just like their version of McDonald's Crispy Chicken Sandwich. Jollibee made their own and i didn't like it. then they made their own nuggets; for them to be unique, they put some carrots or corns in their nuggets. yuck! then, before i forget, they also had their own cover of the McFloat. the difference is Jollibee's had different flavors -- four flavors to be exact plus the original coke flavor. didn't even dare and want to taste the nuggets and the floats. but i know that their spaghetti is one of the best that i have tasted from fast food chains; aside from the ones in Greenwich. because of that, i knew that if they can make good spaghetti, then i know that they can make other pastas in an awesome way. and i was not disappointed because it tasted good as well! :DD

the irony

i can't believe that the person who is supposed to be the one who is doing some judging is the one who being on trial now.

according to what i have so far heard and understood, it's all because it is believed that if he is not impeached in his position then the current government cannot solve the graft and corruption that is believed to have taken place during the reign of the president who preceded our current president.

even if his impeachment will somehow solve this graft and corruption problem that has happened, it will not be fully solved because the president himself has issues regarding this. well, indirectly that is. it's his family's land. his family was suppose to give the farmers the land that were promised to them decades ago. but it seems that they keep on ignoring this issue and instead focusing on the surface which is that part of this family gave our country democracy and  another gave us the light about the dark side of our best president ever.

i can't fully support the government if they were for what i right because the person leading them has not able to fix his own family issue against our poor farmers who only wanted to have the land that was supposed to be theirs.

so, that's just me. that's what i think. this is very opinionated and is not supported with any sources that i can site. moreover, this is a form of literature called a prose. narrating about what a person thinks.

i hope i am not mistaken as a someone who is anti-government because i am not. this is just what i think.

Saturday, January 14, 2012

study study study

exams are here! it will last for 4 days so see you guys till then. that is all :D

Friday, January 13, 2012

"i have some errands to do"

NOT! well, even though they are "errands", they are not enough to be classified as "some errands" because they are personal errands and they are just two small bits of personal errands. and i am posting this because i had to travel to get them done :D

first is i had to replace the soles of my shoes because they got accidentally removed along the way toa nd from school. i had to wait fro an hour to get them replaced soi ate snacks in KFC and by the time i was done eating, it was done as well :D

second is i had to photocopy my classmate's notes in accounting because i lost my notes. i was suppose to do the photocopying when i was still in at school but i forgot so i went over to her house which is near our school. it took minutes then i went back home the instant i returned her notes. :)

and that was the time when i did personal errands in the afternoon after school :P

end of story

Monday, January 09, 2012

yuck! >:P

i don't like it when people copy my style. style for me means the way i do things. i mean we are all different and unique. so why can't other people have their own style? it's really irritating. whenever i see his profile name laid out the way my name is laid out, it annoys me and i want to ignore that person whenever i see him in the classroom. yes, he is my classmate. i think he likes me? i'm just a feeler for saying that but because he changed the way his name is laid out in the way that has the style of layout as mine, it adds to the fact that maybe he does. that sad part is, whatever he does, he's not my type >:P and i don't like the way he copied my style. and i will not change my style. if people will notice that we have the same style, i have the right to tell them that i was the one who first thought of that style. >:PPP i am mad.

Monday, January 02, 2012

The Chocolates of my Life

my status on...
Facebook: i miss Hershey's Kisses. but i did have Kitkat during the Christmas season. but Kitkat can never replace Hershey's Kisses because they are two different kinds of chocolates that give different kinds of happiness. but i love them both. i just love hershey's kisses more than kitkat. :D
Twitter: i miss last year... didn't have one during the Christmas season. it's a tradition that can never be replaced with  

Sunday, January 01, 2012