Monday, April 02, 2012


i decided to blog more for the month since it is my favorite month. and i know that i will be blogging more at the cost of having my posts about my favorite band to be moved downward and not be shown since i only want two posts to be seen at a time. to make up for that opportunity cost, i embedded their song on the blog itself so it plays in the background even though the post about its official lyric video is not seen anymore.

anyway, i was going to blog about the "plans" that i talked about on the sidebar. so in general, these are the things that i will be doing, hopefully, this month.

  • First Week:watch latest movies with younger bro - i.e. Hunger Games, Wrath of the Titans, etc.
  • Second Week: get ready for birthday celebration somewhere that is not at home
  • Third Week: bonding-with-friends week - both college and high school friends
  • Fourth Week: probably doing stuff with best friend - i have yet to invite her to do something

so, i'm all packed for the month. hopefully, even though i'll be doing these things, i still get to post here in my blog so i can talk about how much i had awesomeness doing these things.

so more posts to come. i will not delete whatever's written on the sidebar because although i will be posting more for  the month which contradicted what i just said there, the text on the sidebar still talks about my favorite band.

so that will still be there even though April Fool's day has gone already. i'll be replacing the text on May, that i am sure of because i made it a pattern to change whatever's written in the sidebar every month to describe what the month is going to be about.

i am super excited for the month and to clear things up, the reasons that April is my favorite month are not only that it is the month that i was born 18 years ago, but it is also the month when i actually feel that it is summer already and it the  month when i get to do the things that i want to do for myself. these "things" that i want to do for myself that i don't get to do when there is school are viewing unlimited videos of whatever in Youtube, playing almost all the apps that i have downloaded in our iPod Touch, and watch any series or movies the TV has to offer. plus, since it is summer, i get to laze off and my parents aren't even scolding us for that since it is summer and it is up to us how we're going to entertain ourselves. it is only a bonus if we get to be productive on summer. but the main goal for summer is to have fun no matter how we want it do or to have.

that's it. more news and updates about me, maybe later or tomorrow or the day after that or any day in the month. so stay tuned for more me and probably more B.Y.E. (Before You Exit)

PS. i would be super duper happy if anyone who visits and/or reads my blog posts get to comment on them before you exit because i want to know what you think of my life. if it sucks, i can make arrangements because i believe that there is always room for improvement.

what i want to say is that leave a comment Before You Exit.

thank you! and have a blessed summer or blessed spring for those who experience four seasons.

B.Y.E.! :D

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