Thursday, June 11, 2009

first week of school and awhile ago...

so far so good...

i had already caught up with my sleep. i don't feel sleepy anymore. but for some reasons, starting from yesterday, i am going back to my old self wherein i always get almost late! like awhile ago... the national anthem was about to be sang and it's a good thing that i ran on my spot in line or else that would be my first late in my whole fourth year life...

surprisingly, on the second day of the school, i was assigned to collect reply slips. and temporarily, my class made me the YPMO officer who tells everyone to turn off the lights and fans and close the doors when the class leaves the classroom. it's awesome because they said that i was meant for that position since i can boss anyone around in the class without them hesitating. my class adviser obviously think that i can be a leader. but in reality, i am not. i'm not even half responsible. how can i lead if i am irresponsible, right?

anyway, about today, i was nominated for the same position... YPMO officer. i objected and our adviser accepted my reason. my reason was that i had a grade lower than 80 last year during the first quarter. but that was my last line-of-seven grade. the rest of the quarters last school year, i had more thatn 80 as my grade. in fact, i was an O.S. last year, fourth quarter.

my point is... i never thought that i can use my grade last year as a ticket for erasing my name on the nominees's list. i never wnated to be an officer anyway. i am already in the fourth year level. if i become an officer this school year, my module will be module 2. i will be spending my leadership training days with most of the second year officers. i won't enjoy it since my friends are in module 4 and i'm in module 2. so i think that i made the right decision... besides, i need to focus now on my school work so i can graduate with flying colors. also... FYI, i don't like too much responsibilities. i want to have more time off than time on. you know what i mean...

being an ordinary student is awesome! your responsibilities are not that big nor small.

oh yeah, i have been experiencing eating problems in the morning. i can't seem to eat breakfast properly. when i bite, the bitten food in my mouth goes to my pharynx and not in my esophagus. i end up choking instead of swallowing.

so awhile ago, i woke up at 6am which was bad. i wake up at least 5 minutes before 6am so i can still have time to eat breakfast (i eat really slow because my digestive system doesn't work when i wake up early in the morning. also, i take a long time in the bathroom--about 10 to 20 minutes i guess). anyway, i woke up but my parents haven't yet. so i did everything myself like boiling hot water for both my Milo drink and for my bathing. i took a bath but i didn't eat yet. i only drunk a mug of Milo. when i was about to live the house my mom found out that i haven't eaten breakfast yet. she was about to get mad at me but i was getting late so she let me slip off this time. but still i went to school with a plain bread and ate it during in between classes before recess that morning at school.

at school, i was about to be late. but i wasn't. anyway, that's it! one more post coming up!!!

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