Monday, June 01, 2009

Killing Time

I have nothing else to do. My brother went in the Internet Cafe near our house because of the same reason. I'm posting right now because of it, too.

My cousin is taking her time shopping and spending time with her boyfriend.

But that's a good thing. It will be better if mom gets home first before my cousin does. That way, my mom knows the time when we take off and the place where we are destined to eat tonight.

I'm all alone at home. We have a helper who irons our clothes but she's upstairs so she doesn't count since I'm alone here downstairs.

It's a good thing I have a blog. I don't know what else to do when I'm tired of watching the television and playing Text Twist over and over again.

One thing I don't get tired of doing. And that is listening to PARANOID by the JONAS BROTHERS!!! It's very addictive!!! It's on repeat one on my music player. I memorized the lyrics in three days.

And just now, my brother came back from the Cafe...

Anyway, he's not important for now...

As I was saying, I'm in love with JB's Paranoid. I watched the music video on Youtube during the times when my brother and I, together with my mom, went to the Internet Cafe. It was AMAZING!!! The lyrics are pretty much useful and applicable to me even though I have not have a boyfriend yet. The song is rumored to be all about Taylor Swift and Joe is Paranoid about her. Well, that's just the rumors.

Every time I turn around, something's just not right!!! Just might be PARANOID!!!

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