Thursday, June 02, 2011

talk about friendship

it's all about my college friends.

we are all together awesome. i don't see anything that might make the group fall apart, even if one of our comrades was put in a separate section from the rest of the gang.

but if there was one who would be left without any partner, i always think that it would be me. it's normal since we are nine in the group (ten really but the one has another group and she usually go with them). even so, that would be fine with me. i don't know why but i feel like for the first time, i am not left out. at least that's what i think. i was never left out yet, in this group. i don't know. who knows? i think, this, because i feel like the bond between the nine of us is very strong. this may be because we all speak our minds, no matter how weird or how much it might make us feel guilty or hurt, we are all honest to one another. we tell one another's fault and we take these things positively and critically. though, there are times when some get to be a little bit too much and things get bad, it passes by quickly that everything returns to normal and the guilty side tries to be careful next time.

sometimes, you are the one being picked on and some times , you are the one who is picking on. it's a give and take process. so if you take things too seriously, you lose. but i don't mean that we don't take college seriously because we do. we want to graduate together in the same university, in the same course, in the same period of time. it's just that, we know when to kid around and when it's time to focus. we are awesome that way.

we may not connect in some topics that other members of the group are talking about but we still have someone to talk with. or, if there is one who is the only one who doesn't know anything about the certain topic, he or she will be informed right away during the conversation. there no secrets whatsoever. sometimes, one may be told to keep a secret from others, but surely, that won't work because the one who is telling the secret ends up telling herself or himself to other members about his or her secret. though one secret about his love-life was successfully kept from some members, this only served as a lesson to all the members not to be absent in group gatherings so they don't miss personal talks. but if that would be unavoidable, then we would all understand.

i feel happy with them. we can be different kinds of people but we do get along well, most of the times :) there can be misunderstandings but everything gets cleared out anyway. we support one another and when we are divided by the choice we have to choose, we still cheer one another.

i just wish we stay as close as possible through the hardships that we will be facing in college. i hope we stick together like the way my best friend i are sticking with each other even if we are studying in different colleges now :D

anyway, other things may happen. we are only a year together and there are many things that may happen in the succeeding years. at least, i don't want this group to disband like how i have been in my past friendship experiences, when a group is made, it gets disbanded 1-2years after... i don't want to experience something like that again :P because, before, in the end, instead of making my circle of friends grow, it just gets smaller and other lines of communication are cut off. i don't know why before, i always get involve in a group with at least 3 members that includes me and i don't even get to merge these small groups of mine. it seems to me that i don't think these different small groups of mine can connect to one another.

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