Wednesday, June 15, 2011

Time to get serious

I have to study really hard for this year because this the year when we'll know whether I am going to be in the course that I want or not.

The thing is, there is a problem on how my best friend and I are going home after we watch Miley Cyrus' concert this Friday. I just hope our friend who is also going to the concert agrees to drop me and my best friend to our respective homes. If not then I can't go to the concert. The thing is, my best friend and I already bought tickets for the concert and we can't possibly refund those tickets. Arrrrrgggg!!!!! I just hope someone would drive us home.....

The connection of his in getting serious is I won't allow myself to lose my parents' trusts. If I do then they won't trust me with anything anymore in the future. I don't want that. It's time to be mature because being serious means being mature. I have to show them that I am a responsible daughter who is reliable and is acting on her age. I have to admit that I am already an adult and being an adult means being serious and mature.

I hope this will turn out good and I hope my dad will not get mad at me. If he gets mad, then definitely, I am screwed up.

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