i reviewed my posts for the last months and realized that i wasn't able to post in the month of September! it is really not cool to miss a month without blogging. so i am making up for that month.
My last post before October was all about Camp Math. Let me continue on what happens on the last saturday of the camp then i'll proceed to the happenings last September 2009.
August 29 - AMAZING RACE DAY AND THE LAST DAY OF CAMP MATH! It was the last session of Camp Math XVI. The session is also known as the Amazing Race! The twelve groups of campers are going to compete against one another to gain the amazing prize of something that we didn't know then. The race started after we all ate lunch. There were of course twelve stations with problems that came along with each station. Some were hard some were not. Some needed some common sense and some were made just to have fun and has nothing to do with math (there was a station wherein we have put on some beach stuff and pose for a picture taking). Some needed strategies to complete (we were suppose to build a strong structure made up of straws) and some were a headache (there was a math problem that made us eat up a lot of our time). Some needed group work (we were tasked to do two jigsaw puzzles and it has to be fast) and some needed support for stations that needed only a member to accomplish (one of the group member has to eat the ampalaya gelatin all by him/herself... yup! AMPALAYA as in BITTER MELON not any other fruits). Some were gross (the ampalaya gelatin!) and some were slippery (when we are asked to run back and forth twice while the floor was wet because of the rain.)
Everything was tiring since the stations were far away from one another and imagine, we did this in Ateneo, a big school in terms of area. we had to run from one end to another and go up and down from bottom to top and vise versa. everyone was worn out and all sweaty (one group mate of mine smelled like puke because he had body odor!!! but i won't mention his name even though IT WAS AN AWFULLY AWFUL SMELL!!!)
We didn't finish first but our group (group 4) won the most stickers which we gained during group activities from the first day till the morning of the last day; before the Amazing Race. our prize was a loot bag of chocolates and a sticker of the logo of Camp Math! :D The prize of the winning team were a notebook from the big stationary of Ateneo and the chocolate loot bag.
When we were viewing the slide show of our pictures taken during the whole camp math experience, i was able to get my group mates' Y!M ID's so i can still keep in touched with them even after Camp Math.
Almost everyone was wearing their own Camp Math T-shirt which was sold for PhP180.00.
That was the end of Camp Math XVI...
and the start of September!
September 9 - CLASSES WERE SUSPENDED! It was also the day when our group in religion reported for the church encyclical assigned for us. and to tell you the truth, it's not a really plan to assign me as the leader when the group is tasked to report (heck, i don't want to be a reporter in the future!) not the point really. i can be a leader in anything but not in religion. teacher/adviser is freaking me out and is scary. religion is not my best subject and i would be really happy if god will allow me to study in the University of the Philippines (just found out then that they don't take/study religion :D) that's all about that day. nothing much has happened.
September 14-25 - GREEK MYTH WEEK! it was the week when the class performs individually or as a group (depending on the characters) for Greek Mythology! and i am blessed to be going solo as Dionysus (Bacchus) [since none of my classmates were Semele (Dionysus' mom) or King Pentheus (Dionysus' cousin)] if i were to perform with other gods or heroes, i would have been on the first batch list to perform. turns out, i was part of the second to the last batch. i was supposed to be Demeter (Ceres) but i didn't want to perform as a girl so i switched with my classmate. i didn't have any regrets because this is what happened when it was my turn on the spot light...
September 17 - IT WAS THE DAY WHEN I IMPERSONATE THE VINE AND WINE GOD, DIONYSUS or in ROMAN, BACCHUS! Since he is the God of vine, i had a headband-like made up of leaves; also, i had some fresh grapes with me which i ate somewhere in the end of my presentation. Wine comes from grapes so it was appropriate to have grapes as props. Of course, one prop will make me a real god of wine so i had a real glass bottle of wine. it was still sealed when i brought to school and still sealed until now, nov. 3. my costume was all black with a purple cloth slanting across my body, hanging from my shoulder and pinned on my waist. my classmates thought that i made a great presentation. my sloppiness was very effective since everybody thought that i was drunk. all i did was laugh when i forgot a word (my script is easy to memorize) and pretend to fall back when i walk. in short, i did well! and i am happy that that's done! :D (and to think that i only memorized my lines for two days)
September 19 - ATENEO COLLEGE ENTRANCE TEST! grabe! it's differently different from UPCAT. this ACET is easier compared to UPCAT and a little harder than USTET. I can say that i did better in this test. but i think i did my best in the USTET last august 23. anyway, taking the exam was not the only thing that i did during that day...
my shedule was in the afternoon from 1pm to 5pm. i was accompanied by my younger brother, and my daddy-o. we found many divisions of lines leading to the rooms where we will be taking the exam. there were many people most particularly students from different schools. Some were intimidating knowing that they are chinese and from a chinese school and in my opinion, a little bit better than us. then i saw this theresian. she isn't my classmate but she is a batchmate. we are in the same division of room but not the same room number. she is from another section in school and to be honest, that was the first time that i'll be talking to her. i have to say. she is really talkative and her mouth never stopped until we part ways, going to our exam rooms. i can't even break in when she was talking to me. it was also hard to understand her probably because of the way she talked. if i talk fast like what my best friend says, this girl talks way faster and all she talks about is school, schoolmates specifically batchmates, teachers, and some tips in taking the ACET. at some point during our conversation while we wait to go in our own rooms, i found her annoying already and i wished she would stop but i can't tell her that because that would be rude. she has an accent which made me understand her less. she is like that but i guess that i am partially thankful that i didn't have to stand in line all quiet without anyone to talk with; just like the others standing steadily being patient because the army-dressed college students were holding us back for a long, long, long, time!!!
(i am very sorry if ever the person, that i am talking about in the paragraph before this, will read this post. please consider this as something that i'll have to tell you eventually when we get to meet and greet in school :D)then finally we went in our rooms and took the exam. there was another theresian who was in the same exam room as i am. she was quiet so it was cool. because of her, i felt relaxed just like the way she was. :D
our room finished the test at about 6pm to half past 6pm. what made this was the other room's fault. we had to wait until the late comers came before we can start with the test.
that's it for that day for me at least. while i take the ACET, my dear companions did something even fun than what i did that day. my father and my brother went to getway and had some uber fun by eating really scrumptious foods and playing at timezone. they spent at about a thousand pesos at that day while i spent my sweat, blood and chills when i took the test. NOT FAIR!!! :(
next event:
September 21-22 - CLASS RETREAT! it was AWESOME! the place was a garden of eden. very relaxing and revitalizing. i wished that i was living there. There gardens outside and an old "Bahay Kubo".
anyway, in this retreat, the main concern that i would talk about would be the sentiments of friendship. if there were words to describe what happened in this day, then my retreat journal has the right ones.
Significant ExperienceHaving lots of friends has its many advantages and disadvantages. Like when you have many friends, you won’t have to worry about being alone in the corner because you know that there is someone who will be there to be with you. The disadvantage is that you don’t know who to pair with when given a chance to do so because there are many to choose from. And you know that choosing only one in your group of friends will hurt the others whom you didn’t choose. Anyway, this is where my significant experience starts…It was tragic that Belay wasn’t my roommate during this last retreat. But I guess things were meant to be like that because I wouldn’t have fun if she were my partner and she would think of being partners with someone else. So she wasn’t my partner and I was the friend who got hurt because she didn’t choose me. It was cool because an angel, Bea Bayani, caught me when I was about to fall. Though my partner and I are not that close, I had fun with her. Because of her, I talked and interacted with other classmates who I am not close with yet. Now, in between class hours when the teacher is not yet around, I get to talk with them and have interesting conversations.Then there was one thing that I never thought that would happen. Since Bea and I are in a different circle of friends from Belay, it was fate that made Belay and I juxtapose with each other during the whole retreat (except when we were allowed to sit anywhere on our malongs). Speaking of the malongs, the activity which made us sit on our malongs, the night on our first day was very significant especially the part when we were suppose to choose a classmate who is either our best friend in the class, or the person who we ignore when offering help, or the person who we want to get to know more. I was expecting to receive the tag of best friend in the class from Belay but instead she gave me the tag who she ignores when offered help. I felt unfair because I gave the tag as the one who is my best friend in class but at the same time fine because of the written message on the paper. It was very sincere which made me cry. Also about the other friends that I was close with, I never thought that I would receive something from them so I felt that I existed when they tagged me.Knowing that there are people who I don’t expect to care about me, I thank God for they came and were revealed in my life. If it wasn’t for this retreat, I wouldn’t feel any better from the thought that I was not acknowledged by my supposedly closest friend in class. Also, if it wasn’t for those people who have showed their concern, I would have fallen down and be broken apart.Insights- Friends are always there whenever you need them just like the waters around us. They refuel, replenish rehydrate and quench our thirst. Whenever we are thirsty for happiness, laughter and smiles, we don’t have to look far because friends are always there to quench it. Whenever we need strength to move on and continue to journey life to the fullest, we stand and walk with the refuel that our friends give us. Whenever we are about to fall and lose hope, our friends are there to catch and replenish us with lots and lots of hope. And whenever we are dry, dull, and sleepy because of boredom, they rehydrate us through their funny jokes and keep us awake with their stories of inspirational life experiences. Just like the water, they will keep us alive and kicking, physically and mentally.
- It is the unexpected things that make one’s life have reason to live just like the creation of fire. These are surprising things that can either make us hurt or happy. Like when you accidentally put up a fire; it hurts you when it burns you but it makes you happy for the light it gives you. Because of the hurt that we feel, we learn to become stronger and tougher. This feeling of added energy makes us think that we can conquer anything that’s why we continue to live. And because of the light that fire gives us, the beauty and kindness of our surroundings are being revealed to us. Seeing the wonderful side of everything motivates us to strive harder in life.
- Everything can change when you least expect it just like the direction of the wind. Changes, like how hard will the wind blow and the direction it will take, are hard to control. It is as if it has a mind of its own. Sometimes, when it blows too hard, we tend to let go of what we are hanging on so the wind won’t have to give us more bruises due to our resistance to change. This happens when we have no choice and when we don’t like any more troubles. And sometimes, letting go is much easier than holding on.
ResponseSince there is much water around us, we shouldn’t take advantage of it and abuse it. We should use only what is enough for us because water is irreplaceable, just like our friends. We may make other friends, but we are not able to have the same kind of friend that we lost; for everyone is different from one another. We should take care of them like the way they take care of us. For the unexpected things, we should get used to it, since we don’t really know what will happen to us. There will be more surprises in the future, some would be big and some would be small. The wind always changes and whatever path it would take, we should keep moving forward. Just accept the changes that are happening and prepare for them always. If not, we better have a good explanation and have much strength to hold on.there we go. that summarizes what i learned and what had happened during those two days.
not quite!
September 22 - MY PARENT'S 18th ANNIVERSARY! HA! i was not at home because, d'uh! i was in the last half of retreat! and you what i figured out? my parents didn't go to work on that day! that means they had delicious home made foods which i like, lobe and will forever eat! and thinking this thought, made me feel unfair because they have a good time when i am not at home! i'm having a good/bad time in retreat while they are at home having a good time with my younger bro!
who cares! at least i got to read my best friend's retreat letter last which made everything great! :D
oh yeah, i wrote an anniversary letter for them when i was in retreat. by the time i got home, i posted it on the refrigerator. they read it when i was asleep so i had no idea on how they reacted when they read it.
September 24 - PALIHAN COMMUNITY BASED! the batch was divided in different communities for palihan. we visited the assigned place in this date. the community that i am in is the CAMARIN community. houses there were like squatters only cleaner and more orderly since they have their court and there barangay chair. I met kids who were really playful (i never thought that i would hang out with kids since i have once said that i don't like kids--except for my adorable dear cousins :D).
September 28-October 2 - CLASSES WERE SUSPENDED FOR A WEEK! this was because of the typhoon Ondoy or internationally: Ketsana. It was so strong that we didn't have electricity for two days from sept 26-27. all we had at home were candle lights! i didn't know how i'll be doing my homework on time if we didn't have lights at home. on that weekend, i went to the internet cafe with my dad and my bro. visited facebook and had this as my stat:
Daryll Joyce in the internet cafe doing homework because we have no electricity at home and meralco's phone is still busy! we have no dial tone and i was planning to go to a friends house where i can do the many homework that our section has but here i am instead surrounded by noisy DoTA players... :( no offense to my friends who plays DoTA :DSeptember 27 at 5:07pmyup! it was also the day when i played DoTA for the first time! and... I DIDN'T LIKE IT! now that we have a copy of that game at home, i ignore it and let my bro play it all by himself...
AND THAT"S ALL FOR THE MONTH OF SEPTEMBER!see ya later for more posts...
K! BYE! :D